Seven Important Steps Toward Becoming a Worship Leader

By Melodie Tunney


If you have a heartfelt desire and a specific calling to become a worship leader, then you’ve chosen a ministry profession that goes back to the earliest days of the Israelites where God’s people were led in their praises by those with musical gifts. I’ve been blessed to serve on staff as the Worship Leader at several churches through the years. What a privilege, as well as a responsibility! To have this position and do it well involves growing in your own personal relationship with the Lord and then developing the necessary skills to effectively lead others through music. Here are seven steps to help guide you on your journey towards becoming an effective worship leader.

1. Develop Your Own Personal Heart for Worship

This may sound obvious, but it’s easy to be overlooked: Becoming a worship leader involves cultivating your own genuine passion for worshiping God. Your relationship with the Lord deepens through prayer, Bible study, and the time you spend with Him. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your own personal worship and you will watch that spill over into the context of the church.

2. Develop Your Musical and Technical Skills

An effective worship leader should have a solid foundation in music and possess the necessary technical skills to lead worship services. God deserves our excellence! Improve your musical abilities by learning to play an instrument, such as guitar or piano, and develop your vocal skills. Understanding chord progressions and song structures, as well as growing in your theory and music-reading skills are also important. Additionally, gain knowledge of sound systems, audio mixing, and other technical aspects of a worship service. The more you know, the more effective you will be!

3. Serve in Your Local Church

There’s a great phrase we’ve all heard – “Bloom where you are planted”. That definitely plays in as you pursue worship leadership. Begin by serving in your own church's worship ministry. Join a worship team or choir, and actively participate in worship services and events. Take on responsibilities such as leading a song, playing an instrument, or leading a small group of musicians. This hands-on experience will help you gain practical skills and learn the dynamics of leading worship within a community.

4. Build Leadership and Communication Skills

A worship leader should be able to inspire and engage the congregation. Cultivate your leadership skills by learning to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, on and off the stage. Develop the ability to select and arrange songs that align with the theme of the service and work on leading transitions smoothly. Incorporate scripture and be attentive to how songs flow from one to another (lyrically and using relative key transitions). Additionally, learn to work with worship teams - providing guidance and encouragement, and fostering a spirit of unity among team members.

5. Model a Heart of Servanthood

Worship leadership is not just about leading songs; it's about serving others and drawing them into a deeper encounter with God. Display a humble and servant-hearted attitude, always putting the needs of the congregation and the worship team above your own. Building these relationships and encouraging others will foster an atmosphere of unity and authenticity.

6. Seek Mentorship and Training

Learning from a worship pastor or an experienced worship leader who can mentor you and provide guidance can be so valuable. Your musical skills can be developed and the knowledge of how to lead worship services more effectively can grow.  Additionally, consider attending worship conferences, workshops, or joining training programs to enhance your abilities and be refreshed in your personal relationship with the Lord.

7. Continuously Grow and Learn

Worship leadership is a lifelong journey of growth and learning. Stay committed to personal and spiritual development by seeking opportunities to grow in your musical skills, expand your repertoire, and deepen your understanding of worship theology. Regularly evaluate and reflect on the worship services you plan and lead to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. Study and memorize scripture, read books on worship, and most importantly, ask the Lord to fill you with His heart and creativity as you serve in this important role of the church.

One of my favorite worship quotes is this one from William Temple, an English Anglican priest from the early 1900’s: Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, the nourishment of the mind with His truth, the purifying of the imagination of His beauty, the opening of the heart to His love, the surrender of the will to His purpose.

That says it well! Being an effective worship leader goes beyond musical talent. It involves being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, serving with a heart for God and His people, and creating an atmosphere where individuals can encounter God's presence. By following these steps and relying on the Holy Spirit, you can become an impactful worship leader in your church and community.

How Can ACT Intl Help?

If you’ve been called to music ministry – whether it’s as a worship leader, a songwriter, a producer, or one of many other areas of the musical arts – you should be doing the work you’re best at, not worrying about paperwork and bookkeeping. ACT comes alongside over 700 Christians ministers, artists, speakers, and musicians, providing the support they need to do the work they are called to. 

We can help get your nonprofit set up, equip you for fundraising, and provide all the back-office support, bookkeeping, tax preparation … and more.

Get freed up to do the work God is calling you to. Talk with one of our ministry specialists to see how ACT can help.

Melodie Tunney's career began as a vocalist with the contemporary Christian group, TRUTH where she also met her future husband, Dick, the group’s keyboard player.  She excelled as a studio singer and formed the group First Call in 1983 with Bonnie Keen and Marty McCall. Their contract with WORD records and touring with Sandi Patty led to live performances at the Grammy Awards, the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, and touring with Amy Grant and Bebe & Cece Winans.  Dick and Mel Tunney’s songs have been recorded by Christian artists and appeared in countless music projects, musicals, and even hymnals. In recent years Melodie has been on the staff of several churches as Worship Minister, and has served “on mission” in Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, and Cuba. Her resume is also filled roles as both a featured speaker and worship leader at women’s events, mentoring young songwriters, and as author of several Bible studies for women. Melodie is honored to serve as the Engagement Manager for ACT International.


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