How to Start a Church: A Step-by-Step Guide for Church Planters

How to Start a Church: A Step-by-Step Guide for Church Planters is a short instructional resource designed to give you a checklist for launching and leading a church. Whether you're a seasoned minister seeking to refine your skills before embarking on a new challenge or a young leader navigating the complexities of running a church, this roadmap offers practical insights and actionable steps to help you establish, grow, and sustain a thriving church ministry.


Whether you are establishing a place of worship or desire to serve your community through ministry, the process of launching a church involves several crucial steps. From obtaining legal certifications and defining core beliefs to navigating tax-exempt status and organizational structure, this step-by-step guide will provide you with a roadmap to successfully starting and growing your church.

But remember, Jesus taught that true leadership is found in serving others selflessly: "Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many" Matthew 20:26b-28 (NLT). To lead a church or a Christian ministry, you need to have the servant-minded attitude of our Lord and you must always exhibit His qualities in your actions and character.

So, let’s look at the key steps for your exciting new journey:

Define your core beliefs and Statement of Faith: Every church is built upon a set of core beliefs and values. Take the time to articulate your church's statement of faith, outlining the principles and teachings that will form the foundation of your ministry. This will not only guide your decision-making but also help attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your vision.

Establish your church and ministry as a legal entity: To ensure the legal recognition and protection of your church, you'll need to establish it as a formal entity. Begin by filing a Certificate of Formation or similar document with the appropriate state agency. This step will provide your ministry with official recognition and allow you to proceed with other essential tasks.

Form a Board of Directors: Creating a board of directors is crucial for providing guidance, accountability, and leadership within your church. Seek individuals who share your vision and possess diverse skills and experience. Together, you'll make important decisions and oversee the direction of your church.

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN): An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for your church to conduct financial transactions and hire employees. You can easily apply for an EIN through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website. Obtaining an EIN will enable you to open a bank account, receive donations, and ensure proper tax compliance.

Seek tax-exempt status: Attaining tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code is essential for most churches. This designation allows donors to contribute to your ministry and receive tax deductions. Consult with a tax professional or attorney to navigate the application process and fulfill the tax-exempt status requirements.

Craft church bylaws: Developing comprehensive church bylaws is vital for establishing governance, outlining procedures, and safeguarding the integrity of your church. Bylaws address issues such as membership, leadership roles, decision-making processes, financial management, and more. Seek legal guidance to ensure your bylaws comply with local regulations and align with your church's values.

Open a bank account: Once you have obtained your EIN and legal certifications, open a bank account specifically dedicated to your church's finances. This will provide transparency and ensure proper management of funds. Research local banks and credit unions to find the best options for your church's banking needs.

Initiate fundraising efforts: Fundraising is often necessary to support the growth and operations of your church. Develop a strategic fundraising plan that aligns with your core values and engages your congregation. Consider organizing events, implementing online giving platforms, and encouraging regular tithing to support your ministry's financial needs.

Hold regular meetings to foster a sense of community: Regular meetings are essential for nurturing spiritual growth and building a sense of community within your church. Organize worship services, Bible studies, prayer groups, and fellowship activities to connect members and increase a strong sense of belonging.

Focus on growing your church: Dedicate time and resources to expanding your church's reach and impact. Develop a marketing and outreach strategy that utilizes both traditional and digital channels to connect with your local community. Engage with other local churches and community organizations to collaborate on initiatives that serve the common good.  

Prayer: While all these steps will satisfy your state’s legal requirements and implement careful planning, your ministry will not survive with fervent, ongoing prayer from you, your leadership, and your church’s membership. Let’s look at why prayer is so important a bit more closely.

  • Communion with God: Prayer is a means of intimate communication with God. It allows individuals, as well as the entire church body, to develop a deep and personal relationship with the Creator. Through prayer, believers express their love, gratitude, and dependence on God, fostering a sense of closeness and connection.

  • Seeking God's guidance: Prayer provides a space to seek divine wisdom, direction, and discernment for the church. It enables leaders and members to align their decisions, plans, and ministries with God's will, relying on His guidance rather than human understanding alone. By seeking God's direction through prayer, a church can walk in alignment with His purpose and experience His blessings.

  • Unity and fellowship: Prayer unifies the church as members come together to intercede for common needs, concerns, and aspirations. It creates a sense of shared purpose and solidarity among believers, fostering a spirit of love, compassion, and support for one another. Praying together builds a strong sense of community and encourages the body of Christ to function as a cohesive whole.

  • Spiritual growth: Prayer is a vital component of personal and corporate spiritual growth. It cultivates humility, dependence on God, and an understanding of His character. Through prayer, the church will grow in faith, develop spiritual discernment, and experience transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Intercession for others: Prayer enables believers to intercede on behalf of others, both within the church and in the wider community. It allows the church to lift up the needs, challenges, and joys of individuals, families, leaders, and even societal issues. Intercessory prayer demonstrates love, compassion, and care for others, creating an environment of support and encouragement.

  • Spiritual warfare: Prayer equips the church to engage in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness. It empowers believers to stand firm against spiritual attacks, contend for God's purposes, and bring about spiritual breakthroughs. Through prayer, the church accesses the supernatural power of God to overcome obstacles, spiritual strongholds, and opposition.

  • Revival and transformation: Prayer has the power to ignite revival and bring transformation to a church and its surrounding community. As the church seeks God's face in prayer, it invites His presence, power, and revival to sweep through the congregation.

In summary, starting a church from scratch is a challenging yet rewarding ministry goal. By following these essential steps, each accompanied by deep prayer, you can lay a solid foundation for your ministry's growth and impact. And remember to enjoy the journey of leading a thriving, Christ-honoring church. 

How Can ACT Intl Help?

As we’ve discussed in this article, starting a church can be complicated. You should be doing the work you’re best at – not worrying about paperwork and bookkeeping. ACTcomes alongside over 700 Christians ministers, artists, speakers, and musicians, providing the support their nonprofit needs to do the work they are called to.

We can help get your nonprofit set up, equip you for fundraising, and provide all the back-office support, bookkeeping, tax preparation, and more.

Get freed up to do the work God is calling you to. Talk with one of our ministry specialists to see how ACT can help.


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