How to Become a Christian Missionary

A Christian missionary is someone who dedicates their life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serving others in His name. It is a challenging and rewarding path, but one that can transform lives, both the missionary's and those they serve.

By Matt Price

Missionaries are individuals who have a deep desire to spread the gospel and share their faith with people around the world. If you are interested in becoming a missionary, there are several steps that you can take to prepare yourself for this calling.

Develop a deep relationship with God

The first and most important step to becoming a Christian missionary is to develop a deep and intimate relationship with God. Remember, your faith will be the foundation of everything that you do. Spend time in prayer, read the Bible, attend church regularly, and seek guidance from mature Christian mentors. You cannot share what you do not have, so it is essential to have a strong foundation in your faith before embarking on a missionary journey. It also means being actively involved in your local church community and building relationships with other Christians who can support and encourage you.

Recognize your gifts

God has given each of us unique gifts and talents that can be used to serve Him. Take time to identify your strengths and passions and how they can be used in a missionary context. Do you have a gift for teaching or evangelism? Are you skilled in construction or healthcare? Knowing your calling and gifts can help you determine what type of missionary work is best suited for you.

Identify your calling

There are many different types of Christian missionaries, and it is important to identify the type of ministry that you feel called to. This could involve working with children, evangelism, church planting, or social justice work. Take some time to pray and reflect on your passions and strengths and seek guidance from others to help you identify your calling.

Seek Guidance and Support

Becoming a missionary is a major decision, and it is important to seek guidance and support from others who have gone before you. Talk to your pastor or a trusted Christian mentor about your desire to become a missionary. They can help you identify the best organizations to work with and provide advice on how to prepare for this type of ministry. 

Find a sending organization

There are many Christian missionary organizations that can help you prepare for and facilitate your missionary work. These organizations provide training, support, and resources for their missionaries.  A.C.T. Intl is a sending agency with 50 years’ experience and with over 700 mission departments serving around the world. Feel free to contact us with your ideas, aspirations, and questions.

Get educated

Many mission organizations require their missionaries to have some level of education or training. Consider pursuing a degree in theology, missiology, or a related field. You may also want to consider studying subjects like anthropology or cross-cultural communication. This is because missionaries need to be able to effectively communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Also, research the country or region where you plan to serve and learn about their culture, history, and language. This will help you better understand the people you will be serving and make you more effective in your ministry.

Develop Cross-Cultural Skills

One of the most important skills that a missionary can have is the ability to understand and appreciate other cultures. This means learning about the customs, beliefs, and values of the people you will be working with. It also means being able to adapt to different ways of life and communicate effectively in different languages. Consider taking courses or workshops to help you recognize both differences and similarities among cultural groups so you can effectively engage with them.

Get practical experience

Missionary work involves a wide range of skills, from teaching to construction to healthcare. Getting practical experience in these areas can be invaluable in preparing you for missionary work. Volunteer at your local church or nonprofit organization, participate in short-term mission trips, or intern with a missionary organization. This will give you hands-on experience in ministry and help you build relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Prepare for the challenges

Missionary work can be challenging, both emotionally and physically. You may experience culture shock, language barriers, and homesickness. You may face opposition or persecution from those who do not share your faith. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for these challenges. Build a support network of family, friends, and fellow missionaries who can encourage and pray for you.

Get ready for departure

Before you can begin your work as a missionary, you will need to go through a period of training and preparation. This will involve learning more about the organization you will be working with, as well as the culture and language of the people you will be ministering to. You may also need to raise financial support and obtain necessary visas and travel documents.

Trust in God's provision

One of the most important aspects of missionary work is trusting in God's provision. He will provide for your needs and guide you through the challenges you will face. Lean on Him for strength, wisdom, and guidance. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and that God is with you every step of the way.

Becoming a Christian missionary is a calling that requires a deep sense of commitment, passion, and faith. It is a challenging and rewarding path that can transform lives, both the missionary's and those they serve. By developing a deep relationship with God, identifying your calling and gifts, getting educated and having practical experience, finding a sending organization, preparing for the challenges, and trusting in God's provision, you can prepare yourself for this important work. May God bless you as you consider this calling, and may He guide you in your journey.

How Can ACT Intl Help?

Serving on the mission field is challenging on many levels. You should be doing the work you’re best at – not worrying about paperwork and bookkeeping ACT comes alongside over 700 Christian arts-based missionaries to provide the support their nonprofit needs to do the work they are called to.

We can help get your nonprofit set up, equip you for fundraising, and provide all the back-office support, bookkeeping, tax preparation, and more.


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