Our logo utilizes creative imagery and carefully selected colors to visually portray our mission. The color-filled “mantle” that weaves its way through the letter “a” depicts our calling and desire to surround every ministry and missionary we embrace with encouragement, instruction, support, and personal care while continually pointing them toward their mission to impact those in need at home and around the world.

Our mantle colors have been chosen to depict the vital elements that are precious to every follower of Jesus Christ: Red—symbolizing the blood of Jesus; Purple—boldly declaring the royalty of our sovereign God, and Yellow—signifying the constant presence of hope, clarity, energy, honor, loyalty, and joy.

The entire design culminates with a creative symbol of an arrow poised to carry the good news of Jesus Christ with great love and power to the entire world. Mobilizing and Equipping Artistic and Innovative Ministries is more than just a mission statement—this is our mandate…this is what we do…every day.